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Cynthia Nixon, choice and queerness

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Aoife and Ariel on Cynthia Nixon, Choice and Queerness:

About Aoife

Nitpicker extraordinaire, wielder of the Eyebrow of Scepticism, and world-class consumer of tea. I write about skepticism, feminism, pro-choice issues, LGBTQ stuff, cooking, knitting, roller skating and whatever takes my fancy, from an Irish perspective.

4 responses »

  1. Regardless of the relative use, value or harm of different narratives and conceptualizations of queerness, the degree to which it is or is not innate, and whether those narratives have implications we like or dislike, they’re not all equally true. We can’t just pick and choose the truth in accordance with its political value, either in terms of fighting the religious right (“born this way”) or protecting the experiences of those who have felt a degree of fluidity (“not quite born this way”). Somewhere, there’s the story of what’s actually going on.

  2. Pingback: Fun Video On Cynthia Nixon’s Choice, And An Announcement (I’m giving a live talk!) | Sincerely, Natalie Reed

  3. Why does Aoifa O’Riordan look like Stephanie Lord? One and the same?
    Oh! by the way Aoifa please ask your supporters to refrain from throwing handfuls of condoms in the faces of the pro-life marchers during protest days. I was beside a little old lady on the last march on O’Connell St and was aghast at the visciousness of the condom attack on this innocent woman. Anyway you might need them yourself.

    • Hello J Murphy,

      I can confirm that myself and Aoifa, although rarely seen in the same place at the same time, are not in fact one and the same. But she is absolutely awesome too, so I can see where the confusion would arise. It’s ok, I forgive you.

      Re: “The viciousness of the condom attack,” I genuinely hope you’re going to be a regular commenter because this stuff is comedy gold.


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